9 March -15 March: Shrimad Bhagwat Maha Puran Gyan Yagya & Katha Recitation at Ajad Nagar, Thane


Shiv-Shakti Uttarakhand Seva Mandal, 
(Aajad Nagar, Thane)

Cordially invites you and your family

On the auspicious occasion of 

“Shrimad Bhagwat Maha Puran Gyan Yagya & Katha Recitation”

By Pandit Shri Daulat Ram Nautiyal Shastriji (From Badrinath)

From March 9 -15 March, 2013

Time: 3pm to 7 pm

Venue-Tulaja Bhavani, Temple Campus, Ajad Nagar, Thane (W)

Pandit Daulat Ram Nautiyal Shastriji is a young noted orator of Shrimad Bhagwat Maha Puran. He was born on 17 August 1989 at Jalwal village in Uttarakhand’s Tihari District. Guruji has a post graduate degree in Shastra Studies and Practice from Shri Ramanuj Darshan Sanskrit Degree College, Varanasi, Uttarparadesh and has a deep knowledge of Indian Vedic scriptures, religion, astrology and mythology.  

His father Pandit Paripurna Nand Nautiyal and mother Smt Shumma Devi Nautiyal, both great believers of Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran, encouraged Shastriji to pursue his further studies and career in Darshan Shastra. He got his spiritual initiation diksha under his SadGuru Shri Premanand Mahrajji.

His goal in life is to help people achieve happiness, success, prosperity and self-realization   by reciting and propagating the great teachings of Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran.

R.S.V.P: Please Contact –Shri Dinesh M. Joshi/Shri Aryan Prem Rana/Shri Vinod M. Joshi/9987852570/9930372436/8451993000


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