Soma Pradoshams perfect opportunity to erase the karmas that afflict the mind.

The two powerful Soma Pradoshams that are coming up on Monday, September 6th and Monday, September 20th are the perfect windows of opportunity in which one can erase the karmas that afflict the mind.

Pradosham is every 13th Moon and provides a grace period in which extreme karma busting can happen. Soma Pradosham or pradosham that falls on a Monday is considered particularly powerful to remove karmic mental afflictions. This September the phases of the moon occur in such a way that both pradoshams fall on a Monday- Monday, September 6th and 20th 2010. One can fast on these special Mondays and offer milk, Vell leafs and worship Lordshiva!

The Goddess of the Mind

The ruler or "overlord" of the Moon is Shiva's consort, Parvati. She is the source of creative energy and is a dynamic extension of Shiva onto this universe. The Moon controls emotions and mentality. To master your mind you must first dissolve your karmas. Karmas are thoughts, deeds and actions which are stored in your permanent records or your energetic signature. Once cleared Shakti or powerful energy represented by the Goddess, can flow uninterrupted into all aspects of your life.

The Master of Time

Lord Shiva is shown wearing the crescent moon in his hair. The waxing and waning of the Moon reveals the time cycle through which creation evolves from the beginning to the end. Lord Shiva has mastered time symbolizing the Eternal Reality beyond time.


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